Women in the EFCA are encouraged to exercise their God-given spiritual gifts of leadership, teaching, evangelism, shepherding, and serving in order to fulfill the mission of Jesus Christ and their call as His disciples. However, many women with these gifts do not have the opportunity to receive training due to their stage of life, location or financial situation. 

Prepared offers this training through an affordable online, gospel-centered, systematic two-year equipping program for women in ministry leadership or preparing to serve in ministry leadership, locally or globally. Through its relational learning environments, women experience growth and transformation in their personal lives and ministry leadership.

The cost for a student to participate in the entire two-year program is $1200.00. Your gift will help provide a partial scholarship for women who don’t have the financial means to pay for the program and whose churches or church plants are unable to cover the costs.


As an ECFA member, the Evangelical Free Church of America holds to high standards of accountability with respect to governance, financial management and stewardship/­fundraising practices.