On the evening of May 21, 2024, a large tornado moved through Greenfield, Iowa, destroying homes and impacting the lives of thousands. ReachGlobal Crisis Response is mobilizing to share the love of Christ with those in need in the mission field that follows crisis.

Crisis Response and additional ReachGlobal staff are on the ground connecting with church leaders from Cornerstone Fellowship (EFCA) and identifying meaningful ways to connect with those affected in the community.


  • God's comforts and encourages those affected by the tornado
  • For the holistic restoration of this community
  • For the community of Cornerstone Fellowship as they share Christ's love and live out the gospel in their hurting community


ReachGlobal Crisis Response is receiving volunteers teams as follows to extend the outreach efforts of Cornerstone Fellowship:

  • Weeklong/partial week. Through August 30, we will receive volunteer groups from interested churches to help with immediate clean-up and recovery efforts. Weeklong teams will arrive Sunday evening and depart Friday evening. Partial week teams will arrive Wednesday evening and depart Saturday evening. Preference will be given to weeklong teams. Housing, breakfast and dinner will be provided.  If interested, please email respond@efca.org with your first/second choice of weeks and estimated team size. We will review requests and send confirmation with additional information.  A fee of $370 per person (full week) and $200 (partial week) will be charged and further outlined in the additional communication.  


Join the response in Greenfield by giving online or mailing a check designated Greenfield Tornado Response—21709-38903 to:

901 East 78th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55420-1300
Before and after photo of Greenfield shared by a ReachGlobal missionary

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