While responding to Hurricane Florence, ReachGlobal Crisis Response discovered another crisis impacting eastern North Carolina, the crisis of addiction. As we served neighborhoods damaged by hurricanes and listened to people’s stories, we learned how many people are affected by addiction––whether their own battle, that of a family member or the plight in their neighborhood. Statistically across the U.S., 1 in 3 households are affected by addiction. We have found that number to be accurate within the communities we serve.

Crisis Response engages the holistic needs of individuals, families and communities affected by addiction. We intentionally serve alongside those who are in recovery and look for discipleship opportunities while building relationships. We are creating a learning lab for churches to explore how they can serve their own communities. This crisis affects every town in the U.S., from the big cities to the small towns. 


  • For wisdom and discernment as Crisis Response and One Harbor Church respond to this crisis together
  • For open doors to share the love of Christ with communities and families impacted by addiction
  • For restoration in the hearts, families and communities of those affected by addiction


Crisis Response is hosting teams on a limited basis. Participants should expect to learn about addiction through personal testimonies and training. Additionally, participants will complete small projects that directly support the addiction and recovery population as well as serve communities that historically have high rates of addiction. For those who have served with Crisis Response in the past, these trips will not be like your previous experiences, however, we will continue to prioritize people over projects as we share the love of Christ. Email respond@efca.org for more information.


We appreciate your gifts to sustain a long-term response as we address the crisis of addiction. You can contribute by giving online or mailing a check designated Crisis of Addiction - 21709-3939 to:

901 East 78th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55420-1300

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